Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Differences Between the Genders in Leadership Ability or Approach? Essay

To start, when people compare various successful leaders such as Donald Trump, John Rockefeller, or Henry Ford, they always use words to describe their personalities such as being tough, diligent, competitive and ambitious. A person’s personality is a set of unseen characteristics and processes that underlie a relatively stable pattern of behavior in response to ideas, objects or people in the environment. (Daft, 2011) These personality traits define the leader and we all know people differ in many ways leading to various styles of leadership. Differences in personality, attitudes, values and beliefs will influence how people interpret an assignment or a task. Leadership effectiveness is broadly based on the leaders’ personalities and attitudes while also how effectively they interpret differences amongst employees. All of these factors affect the leader-follower interaction but will genders in leadership affect the overall leadership ability or approach? I believe that there are differences in genders in leadership abilities and approaches. If leadership is based on personalities and attitudes, I strongly believe that there are differences in leadership abilities and approaches when considering male and female roles. When considering the traits of males compared to females as leaders, men traditionally are more aggressive and assertive than women. Males tend to be subjective to competing, while in general women prefer a far less competitive environment than men. Those traits can essentially lead to various different perspectives on leadership approaches in respect to gender. Male leaders tend to be more individualistic and prefer working in vertical hierarchies relying on formal authorities and positions in their dealings with subordinates. Female leaders tend to be more collaborative, and are more concerned for relationship building, inclusiveness, participation, and caring. (Daft, 2011) So generally the differences in male traits compared to female traits will cause different approaches towards leadership styles. Gender will also affect abilities based on assumptions about the male and female traits. Research comparing leadership styles of women and men have been reviewed and there was evidence found for both presence and the absence of differences between the sexes. Stereotypical expectations that women lead in an interpersonal oriented style and men lead in a task-oriented style, was found to be false. They found results that female and male leaders do not have differences in these two styles of organizational studies. However in the research that assessed the leadership styles was consistent with the stereotypic expectations about different aspects of leadership styles. In the tendency to lead democratically or autocratically women tended to adopt a more democratic or participative approach and a less autocratic or directive approach than did men. (Eagly & Johnson, 1990) These findings can represent and can be interpreted in terms of a social role theory of sex differences. These stereotypes reveal that men are relatively dominant and controlling. There is a masculine mode of management characterized by qualities such as competitiveness, hierarchical authority, high control for the leader, and unemotional and analytic problem solving. (Loden, 1985) He also argued that women prefer and tend to behave in terms of an alternative feminine leadership model. This model is characterized by cooperativeness, collaboration of managers and subordinates, lower control for the leader, and problem solving based on intuition and empathy as well as rationality. He based his findings around the idea that women and men, including those who are managers in organizations, behave stereotypically to some extent. I would have to agree with this belief because men and women clearly act differently and the way they act will mirror the way they lead. There have been large numbers of laboratory and field studies performed by social psychologists based around female and male behav iors. Quantitative reviews of this research have established the presence rather than the absence of overall sex differences. (Hall, 1984) They also concluded that these differences, although not that large, tend to be compatible to most other findings. There have also been findings that the level of power will directly affect the type of leadership one will show. There are reasonable assumptions that suggest that male and female leaders who occupy the same organizational role should differ very little. They assume that managers of both sexes are more concerned with managing effectively rather than about representing sex-differentiated features of social gender roles. Kanter argued that there are apparent sex differences when there is a product of the differing structural positions of the sexes within the organization. (Eagly & Johnson, 1990) Because women are more often in positions of little power or opportunity, they will behave in ways that reflect their lack of power. Eagly and Johnson concluded that a mete-analysis could provide more insight on leadership styles of males and females. The overall trends showed that women were more concerned with maintenance of interpersonal relationships and task accomplishment. The main difference found was that women tended to adopt a more autocratic or participative style while men the opposite. They tried to make distinctions about the differences in that first, women who have managed to succeed as leaders might have more highly developed interpersonal skills. Another explanation is that women are not accepted as readily as men as leaders and, as a result, have to allow input into their decision-making. Eagly and Johnson’s results are corroborated by other research. Statham also found evidence of two sex-differentiated management styles. He reported that women used a more task-engrossed and person-invested style, while men use a more image-engrossed and autonomy-invested style. (Moran, 1992) In a study focused on gender differences in communication introduces a possible explanation of different approaches. Tannen, the researcher, focused on how men and women had different experiences while growing up which lead to valuing different things. He concluded that men are taught to prize status, independence, and the power of community. All of these values lead men and women to behave in different ways. The field of gender differences in leadership styles is still and area with great questions with out answers. Even with various studies devoted to the topic of gender, there will always be unanswered questions. More and more researchers continue to examine issues regarding any innate differences between leadership styles of males and females. Currently, with the evidence provided, suggests that there are differences in gender leadership abilities and approaches. Although there are minimal differences, there are differences in males and females perspectives on leadership. We can recognize that there are different leaders with different leadership styles, but we cant automatically associate one style to a particular gender. Men and women alike will be faced with challenges and will need to develop the correct leadership styles to become a successful leader. References Daft, R. (2011). The leadership experience. (5e ed., pp. 99-125, 341-344). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning. Eagly , Alice H. and Johnson, Blair T., â€Å"Gender and Leadership Style: A Meta-Analysis† (1990).CHIP Documents. Paper 11. Eagly, A. H., & Johndon, B. T. (1990) Gender and leadership style. Psychological Bulletin 108 (2), 233-256 Eagly, A. H., & Wood, W. (in press). Explaining sex differences in social behavior: A recta-analytic perspective. Personality and Social Psy-chology Bulletin. Hall, J. A. (1984). Nonverbal sex differences: Communication accuracy and expressive style. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Loden, M. (1985). Feminine leadership or how to succeed in business without being one of the boys. New York: Times Books. Mandell, B., & Pherwani, S. (2003). Relationship between emotional intelligence and transformational leadership style: A gender comparison . Springer, Journal of Business and Psychology, 17(3), 387-404.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Light in the shadow of jihad: the struggle for truth

IntroductionThe world needs to learn to understand each other’s faith and belief and respect it in every way.  Following the September eleventh tragedy, Christians face the dilemma of comprehending the truths of the tragedy and responding to it in a Christian way. That dilemma is answered through deep study and understanding Islam guided by the bible and prophesies contained in it. America and the world must realize that God fulfills his purpose frequently through disasters.With the tragedy, a lot of essential questions arose: Is terrorism the true focus of Islam? Is god absent in such disasters?As America mourned, some celebrated. It is true that some people may think that they are terrorists but some may think they are freedom fighters. The belief that actions can be justified politically has been going on for years. Politicization of morality has given an opportunity to justify actions politically and one it is done, it could be morally accepted as well (Lyon). Other demo cratic nations believe that the individual is the arbiter of right and wrong. But some like Bin Laden thinks differently.Faith is the basis of morality but at the same time it is the root of relativism in every means to establish one religion. This makes their inconsistencies evident. If moral agnosticism is the absolute of relativism, how come relativism tells us that no one can discern right from wrong?  On the other hand, the attackers have spent their last hours with prostitutes in night clubs. If their absolute is Islam, why spend their last night to satisfy their sexual needs instead of their spiritual needs?Zacharias’ BookRavi suggested in his book, Light in the Shadow of Jihad: The Struggle for Truth, five major questions that prevail in people’s mind after the September 11 Bombing. These questions are: Did the terrorists’ action portray a true Islam belief? What can state and church do in shaping the outlook of people on religion and how does it affec t the culture of the nation?Did the incident illustrate an Islamic tradition or such only undermine the religion of Islam? Were there any known predictions that such phenomenon would actually occur? What is the implication of such incident to the world and to the Future?  Moreover, He implicitly asked how God views the incident (Zacharias). Was God in favor of what happened? Why did He allow such violence take place? These were few of the questions directed to question the inclination God towards the 9/11 Bombing.Osama Bin Laden; A Protagonist or an Antagonist?Discernment begins with intuition. But as everybody knows, may often be wrong. Like for instance, Osama Bin Laden’s intuition has failed him (Zacharias). After 9/11, he deliberately complained about the bloodshed in Afghanistan. The bloodshed has suddenly become too reprehensible for Bin Laden. Intuition is simply not enough bases for discernment. Therefore, reasoning must come to place. But how do we move from intuit ion to reasoning? Relativist has said that reason could not move us to morality and that people are not capable of discerning right from wrong simply because right or wrong does not exist. Morality derived from intuition then become in conflict with morality derived from reasoning (Zacharias).As these conflicts arise, a need to go back to the foundation of morality is in place. The society merely recognizes that need. It is urgent and must be taken into consideration.Bin Laden, has his own way of looking at and discerning of the Islamic belief and tradition. Likewise, he has his own way of interpreting the codes of conduct or the morality included and written in the Quran. If his decision failed him, then logically, somehow his knowledge and interpretation of the Quran may be different from the original message of it.Muslim, Islam, Allah and the 9/11 BombingSeptember 11 terrorists thought or believed that their action is Allah’s will (Zacharias). While other Muslims think it is corrupted Islam. If such difference of belief exists among Muslims, what does other people from other beliefs to believe?Is terrorism a fruit of an Islamic worldview or a fruit of socio economic situation? People then must examine Islam to answer this urgent question. As discussed in the book, Islam is a religion which originated from Muhammed. It was through military invasion that Islam was spread out. After the death of Muhammed without a heir or successor, Islam movement was divided (Zacharias).In this time of division, some readings of Quran were destroyed. Thus, this incident becomes a controversy among critics for they think that textual tampering took place. Four sources of Quran accounts and history after the incident emerged- the Hadith, the Sunna, the Sira, and the Tafsir (Zacharias). But different sects of Islam have different levels of importance to these sources. This is an evidence why Muslims, most of the time, are not unanimated in terms of opinion, actions or met hods within their religion today. In this situation, Muslims rely on abrogation. But in this method, another problem arises. Which Quran readings abrogate other Quran readings? Differences among Muslims arise even more. Some Muslims persecute Christians to the point of killing them. There have been several reports about it. Like 9/11 tragedy is persecution to Christians (Muhammad). It is extreme and unfair.Educators has attempted to have an in-depth study of Islam but has met resistance with Muslim leaders. There is a chance that they are trying to manipulate the minds of other Muslims. What could be derived from Islamic history?There exists a major confusion among Muslims about their religion. This confusion is primarily caused by the division that is still evident today. From this as well, we can safely say that not all Muslims agree to violence (Zacharias). Organizing and restudying of Islam is urgently needed by Muslims.Christianity and the War of the Religious FaithsWhat about in Christianity? Is it not in any way predicted or prophesied by the bible? Throughout history, the prophesies in the bible has come to pass. As for example, in the book of Daniel about Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar had a problem about a statue which has four different parts.   It was a dream that Daniel had to interpret. Daniel explained to Nebuchadnezzar that it concerns kingdoms (Muhammad). The first kingdom would overcome the kingdom before them until it reach the fourth. These came to pass as prophesied. Jesus conquered human history without any political agenda. According to theologians, God is there but his presence is not obvious. This is called â€Å"the hiddenness of God†   (Muhammad). Atheist, on the other hand, thinks that if God would manifest himself, they would believe he exists. Other Christians sometimes wish so too.As Muslims persecute Christians, Christians persecute Muslims as well (Muhammad). After 9/11, Muslims faced everyday the discrimination against the m. Every Muslim is perceived to be a terrorist (Lyon). What does that say about Christianity? What is the difference between Muslims and Christians with this king of discrimination?This desire to see God tells more about us than about God. We turn to God when we have no one or nowhere to turn to and questions him when are needs are not met. This happens because of our tendency to rely on our intellect and the continuous nurturing of our minds with knowledge. Deep inside each of us yearns for rational evidence.  With Christians, faith varies but same beliefs are evident. A true relationship with God is when we begin to relate to him in both our ups and downs. God has a purpose. He intends to have us trust him and submit our lives to him in the midst of tragedy.Religion and the FutureThe world is suffering from lack of critical minds in relation to worldviews (Lyon). We are corrupted with so much information, too many voices. But it will never be enough for people top just listen to them and absorb everything. It is important for people to filter it before accepting it as true.The world should put to use faith as a basis of morality. Intuition and Reasoning is not enough. We should put to use the basis of religion as the solid ground of morality in our society. Religion may vary but it is sure the most solid, even if it may be inconsistent, foundation for morality.Respect for other culture and religion must be evident in every individual for the betterment of humanity. We may live in a democratic society but still discrimination is still evident. We must realize and accept that our religion or faith varies. Respect comes from understanding and learning each others cultures. Learning from the experience and moving on from it is in need. It is a challenge for everyone to understand each other. It is time for us to move on from the tragedy. It is time to move on from the corrupted and discriminating society that we are today. Let us move on and be better.Works Ci ted:Lyon, David. Surveillance after September 11 . Blackwell Publishing Limited , 2003.Muhammad, Elijah. Christianity Versus Islam. Secretarius Memps Publications , 1997.Zacharias, Ravi. Light in the Shadow of Jihad: The Struggle for Truth . Multnomah , 2002.

Mixed Marriages

Relationships of every type are faced with a wide variety of problems and challenges in any given situation. Whether it involves our coworkers, neighbors, friends or family – the dynamics are relatively similar and predictable within a common cultural framework. These dynamics become more complex where marriage is concerned and differences in personalities come to the forefront. While these issues can be challenging enough for any married couple, there are additional difficulties specific to couples in a mixed marriage.For the purpose of this paper, mixed marriage is defined as a marriage of two people from different races, religions or cultures. Different customs and cultural backgrounds can directly impact your marriage and family life, as they tend to teach different values and priorities. This is particularly true in cases where a husband and wife were raised in different parts of the world. SPECIFIC POINTS Acceptance of the mix-marriage — is a major obstacle as oft en times the families of both partners do not approve of their marriage.Mixed-marriage couples deal with unique challenges compared to traditional couples. The challenge with interracial couples is respecting each other’s race and culture. If not, this can have a ripple effect to the extended family. Social attitude and prejudices For instance, one partner’s prevalent social attitudes and common prejudices may begin to show more openly one day. â€Å"When this happens, all you can do is to maintain a good-natured attitude and have lots of patience,† Hans adds. But potential obstacles need to be clearly identified and frankly addressed before moving ahead.Nationalistic, ethnic, or social pride can also drive a wedge between otherwise loving spouses. One partner may (subconsciously) feel superior because he or she grew up in a â€Å"higher† socio-economic class than the other. Or a spouse may feel owed something for having legalized the other’s citiz enship through matrimony. Pride also raises its head when one spouse believes that the other’s culture or beliefs are inferior or strange, thereby discounting the other person’s importance in the relationship.Racial offenses – You want to avoid making any remarks including those in a joking manner. You can also simply make this clear to those around you by telling them that you will avoid interactions with someone who continues to be negative regarding your marriage. Firmly tell the person you will not spend time with anyone who expresses racist views. Interracial couples sometimes experience rejection or stress from their own families. This may occur because of traditional beliefs that people should marry of the same cultural background.Regardless of whether this is an issue in your marriage, it's still important to remember to respect the beliefs and traditions of your partner's family. Interracial relationships are much more common today. However, they can st ill bring unique challenges. Along with being aware of these four areas but also having sensitive and open communication, an interracial marriage can overcome the additional challenges. Yet it also offers plenty of opportunities for couples to learn from each other and to gain new perspectives on their lives and marriage.Communication is a key issue — The nonverbal stimuli in a communication, like body language, can also lead to wrong expression and misunderstanding by different cultures. In addition, factor for space between people, certain actions, even a sense of taste needs to be taken to consideration. Communication of symbol is also important and can represent a group’s identity — speech like what’s up, and ‘yo’ are popular in Malaysia. Non verbal communication, High context and low context communication.Communication can be one of the biggest difficulties facing interracial or intercultural couples. This can include the challenge of li terally speaking different languages. At first, couples tend to enjoy hearing another language spoken, but this can also become a point of contention when misunderstandings occur or when the â€Å"foreign† language is spoken at family gatherings. Communication also becomes an issue when it affects the way a couple solves problems. Family Structure — issues such as male dominated societies (marriage culture), differing concepts of raising children.It always makes sense to find out as much as possible about your partner’s family but it makes special sense to do so in mixed marriages – especially concerning the culture and its traditional family structures. Mixed marriages often face additional struggles and challenges in the field of parenting. Raising a child always leads to conflicts if the parents are not on the same page. We weren’t sure how to raise our kid. Whose traditions do we pass on? † â€Å"My friends here do not struggle as much a s we do.But then again, they don’t have to synchronize two different sets of cultural and religious backgrounds,† Hans concedes. The involvement of extended family members in the child-rearing process, behavioral expectations, and the question of what is considered appropriate frequently cause heated discussions between Hans and Ruba. â€Å"Interestingly enough, we have always found a compromise so far. Despite our different outlooks, it helps us to know that we both want the best for our child.It’s not easy, but we have some common ground in that. For example, I agreed that Eman should be raised as a Muslim because her faith is very important to my wife. But I didn’t want her grandparents to have too much of a say. For me, child-rearing is the parents’ responsibility – and only theirs. † Different cultural attitudes towards the respective roles of men and women in the home can play havoc with this area of the relationship unless husba nds and wives can find ways to turn conflicts into opportunities for learning and growth.Religion and Politics — Partners in mixed marriages may be supportive of each other’s religious beliefs but still often run into unexpected issues. Differences in the way people in these marriages celebrate certain holidays or have dietary restrictions are to be expected. Politics can be problematic if world view is highly polarized – ie. Convervative/Liberal/Socialist/Communist Food Culture — We often clash over specific issues, like food. It drives me crazy that she doesn’t even let me cook pork. I think our arguments have gotten worse since the birth of our daughter.As in any relationship or marriage, both partners have to be flexible and open-minded when facing unexpected arguments and issues. INFORMATION TO DRAW FROM FOR SUMMARY OR WHATEVER In the first place, it’s important to acknowledge and understand how contrasting customs and cultural backgrou nds are likely to impact your marriage and family life. The way you’re brought up is the way you’ll live unless you make a conscious choice to embrace another option. Different customs and cultures teach different values and priorities.Normally, this means that interracial or multicultural couples have a unique need to bend, flex, compromise, and accommodate to one another’s contrasting ways of looking at life. This is especially true if a husband and wife grew up in different parts of the world. â€Å"In mixed marriages, arguments may come up more often because of the different cultural backgrounds,† Ruba says. â€Å"It’s just a lot more challenging. † Clashing values – When you come from different families of origin, you will make different assumptions about how a family works. These assumptions won’t always be compatible.However, this is the case in most marriages. In an interracial relationship, there’s a good chance that at least some of these challenges will be accented, especially if you choose to have children. Comparisons – You and your partner bring unique differences to the marriage. These differences should be embraced and may likely be some of the most enriching parts of your lives. You want to discuss with your partner what you each consider most important in any traditions or cultural beliefs. 1. You both come from ends of the world, where the way of life is totally different.Yours will be a major leap of adjustments. The difference in practices about religion as well as political beliefs may have to result to one acquiescing to the other’s belief just to have a harmonious relationship. 2. Prejudice on social practices, such as sex-selective abortion, often cause early breakup of the marriage as one may not be ready to fully embrace this new-found culture you are bound to live due to marriage. 3. The language barrier often results to miscommunication and misunderstandin g that sadly leads to divorce or separation.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Innovation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Innovation - Essay Example However, with the increased information technology, there emerged rivals into the DRAMs market that started to compete with Intel Company such as Japan. This brought about the decrease in the company’s sales as there were different choices of products where the customers would choose from (Aid, 2012). This resulted in a loss for the company’s accounts as it had ventured a lot of funds into the DRAMs project. Some of the companies had a much more advanced technology in the manufacturing of DRAMs such as the ones that were used by the Japanese. The Japanese had links with the various raw materials, as well as labor suppliers. Skilled labor was readily available for the Japanese thus making great inventions into the DRAMs market. Through the availability of effective machinery in the Japanese’s industries, they were able to effectively assemble DRAMs that were of a higher quality compared to the ones that Intel was assembling. However, some companies such as Nikon helped in the advancement of the DRAMs thus beating Intel Company out of the market. Financial institutions in Japanese provided low interest charges on loans to the investors. This lead to the motivation of the entrepreneurs who had an eye in the assembling of the DRAMs thus resulting in increased variety of the products. With the continuously improving technology, the firms with the adequate and modernized machinery were the only ones that had a competitive advantage in the DRAMs market. This resulted to the decline of most of the firms that were technologically poor as their products did not meet the expectations of the clients (Aid, 2012). The company’s success can be attributed to its uniqueness in the undertakings in the micro-processor market. The company was strategically positioned in regard to successfully having an exploration of the microprocessor venture through technological designs. This favored the markets of the processors

Sunday, July 28, 2019

STUDENT RESPONSE 3 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

STUDENT RESPONSE 3 - Assignment Example Successful recovery in economic vitality for local communities is known to synchronize local goals to larger market forces as it was before the disaster happened. Economic vitality brings with it opportunities to transform businesses and have pre-disaster planning. A disaster disorients a community and disrupts its running. To maintain its continuity and smooth recovery, it is important to formulate short term strategies for survival to manage the crisis while long term recovery is planned slowly (Haddow, Bullock, & Coppola, 2007). Introducing and implementing emergency legislation is connected to crisis management as it helps to achieve a balance in achieving sustainability. In hurricane Katrina for example, the trucks that were delayed to provide papers would not have been necessary if the people had pertinent knowledge from pre event and post event planning (Canton, 2007). After a disaster, there is pressure to act fast and almost furiously to return to normal. This may result in redevelopment processes being pursued without much attention to the environment and social equity (Claire, Saperstein, & Barbee, 1985). If so, the same unsustainable situation that was the cause of the disaster will be recreated. During crisis management, it is imp ortant to demonstrate long-term economic benefit and at the same time support short term activities geared towards economic improvement. Infusion of policies, programs, and legislation is a necessity to achieve this balance and to ensure a holistic recovery of the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Compare reward approach between Asia and Western economy Essay

Compare reward approach between Asia and Western economy - Essay Example The western economy has shown progress mainly because of the motivated workforce. They have adopted the total reward management strategy. This compares to Asia that also has seen economic rise though not successful as the western economy. The Asian countries have also shifted from the traditional reward system to the total reward system. Western countries adopt the change quickly because they have less cultural cohesion unlike the Asian with the cultural cohesion. The success of the western economy can be linked in the utilization of total reward system to make decisions, improve staff performance and help solve potential reward problems. With the uncertainty of the world economy, having the right talent at the right cost in companies across the world has been a great challenge in human resource. Total reward programs aim at attracting and retaining a talented workforce in any company. As technological advances are, and the swaying global economy poses a significant threat to companies`, it has been shown that total reward strategy is used to achieve excellence. This paper compares the reward approach between Asia and the western world (Chiang and Birtch 2007, p.61). Through use of literatures, rewards systems in the international context have been explored. The main objectives of the paper include: 3. To assess the significance of total reward system under the culturally, globalization influence and through theoretical views of total reward management know the use, models and design in the global economy. According to Milkovich and Newman, (2006, p.8) reward is all the tangible and non-tangible benefits and provisions presented to an employee as part of improving employment relationship. Work rewards refer to benefits employees receive from their workplace that are considered as the determinants of job satisfaction and commitment (Malhotra et

Friday, July 26, 2019

Globalization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Globalization - Essay Example Of the two opposing arguments Moore’s although more optimistic is only partially convincing. Chossudovsky’s argument on the other hand, although pessimistic appears to be more realistic and appreciative of the world’s general state of affairs. Michel Moore is optimistic in his general outlook and draws on the difficulties of the past and how the world has grown in a positive direction as a result. He takes the position that as a result of world wars and the great depression a ‘new system of global structures’ (Moore. P. 1) such as the United Nations, the World Bank, the international Monetary Fund and the International Trade Organization help is available to those third world countries that cannot help themselves. It is true that world conflicts have resulted in the creation of global structures. But in the grand scheme of things they are powerless to eradicate poverty and the resulting health crisis. As Chossudovsky points out in his publication Globalization of Poverty ‘In the 1990s, famines at the local level have erupted in sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia and parts of Latin America; health clinics and schools have been closed down; hundreds of millions of children have been denied the right to primary education. In the Third World, Eastern Europe and the Balkans, there has been a resurgence of infectious diseases including tuberculosis, malaria and cholera.’ (Chossudovsky. P1) Moore argues that international solidarity is the key to lending aide to those less fortunate than ourselves and extols the virtue of trading with the lesser developed countries. He suggests buying coffee from Uganda and perhaps T-shirts from Bangladesh and goes on to say ‘embrace the outside world, not shun it.† (Moore. P.2) When societies are open to one another, they share their ideas and their culture. Moore offer the European Economics Community as an example of the results of opening

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Case study for strategic management Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

For strategic management - Case Study Example The main competitive advantage of the company is its network effect. The brand is well established in the international market with many clients across the globe as compared to its competitors. This has been effectively and efficiently supported by the company resources and assets. Pursuing Asia market was a failure as the company recently pulled out of Japan. However, the company has managed to survive in other areas by buying startups, especially in China. Further, it is developing strategies that will enable to compete in the Asian market. The latest challenge is the low entry barrier system into the market that allows both local and international firms to enter the market. Good examples of these companies are the Amazon and Yahoo, which are already established in the market. This poses a threat of a reduction of the entire market share, hence, of revenues and profits of the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Job Application Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Job Application - Essay Example I am working on this dissertation under the supervision of Professor Michel Hockx. I, respectfully submit this application letter, as I have strong enthusiasm, commitment and experience in teaching and research which fully qualifies me to meet the needs of your program. My dissertation deals with the discursive formation of the utopian discourse in late imperial China. I aim at revealing the interrelationship between literature, translation, politics and print culture that help the utopian imagination in new fiction fit into the utopian discourse. Then, I argue that the utopian discourse is formed by a number of elements, namely the position of authors, the function of new fiction, and the politics of translation and the modes of production in newspapers and journals. At the end I conclude the utopian discourse is a significant example for revealing the diffusion of universalism in the course of searching Chinese modernity. The interdisciplinary method of research is related to my ac ademic background. My research interests cover twentieth century Chinese literature, Chinese print and media culture, sinophone literature, modernity, cultural production and theories of ideology with focus on fiction, print and media culture. I am interested in examining fiction as a product of literary production and pay special attention to how form, content and meaning are constituted in historical context. I have examined madness writing in post-Mao’s fiction, in order to demonstrate suppressed memories of the Chinese Cultural Revolution rendered as symptoms of madness and disguised in pathological structures. My interest in print and media culture starts from my undergraduate study. I have discussed Taiwanese picture books textual characteristics towards poems, which integrates illustrated pictures to the aesthetic features of the texts. At present I am working on the links between the Chinese public sphere and the narrative of the concept of nation. I discuss the imagi nation of future China written in late-Qing utopian novels is a dynamic object hinging on the performativity of language in the concept of nation mentioned by different journals and newspapers. In the near future, I plan to discuss productive bodies in Chinese vernacular journals and to explore the position of Hong Kong literature in the sphere of sinophone writings. I have been fortunate to get the opportunity to serve as a teaching assistant in the Hong Kong Baptist University and the Open University of Hong Kong. This two year teaching experience qualifies me to teach a wide range of courses, including Chinese History and Literature, Classical Chinese Poetry and Contemporary Chinese Literature. My philosophy is student-centered teaching. I received positive teaching evaluations highlighting my teaching methods and passion for helping students to learn. Moreover, I am qualified to develop courses on "Globalizing Chinese Literature: Sinophone Literature" and "Western and Chinese Dr eams: Utopian literature in comparative perspective". I have also presented papers at academic conferences and at the University of Heidelberg, the National Taiwan University and the University of Tokyo. These research experiences broadened my academic horizons and scholarly

Competation Law Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Competation Law - Coursework Example According to researcher’s viewpoint, very first thing is that it is a competition and not competitors so that it is to be protected. And also the ultimate aim of every business is to please the customers so that it is very much necessary to avoid the customers harm. â€Å"I like aggressive competition – including by dominant companies – and I don’t care if it may hurt competitors – as long as it ultimately benefits consumers. That is for the reason that the chief and ultimate aim of Article 82 is to protect customers and this does, of course, need the defense of the undistorted competitive practice on the market. There are two main laws in UK that defending competitions that are, the Competition Act in the year of 1998 and the Enterprise Act in the year of 2002. These are laws are, supported by Articles 101 and 102 of the â€Å"TFEU† (Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) 1990) that are, previously the Articles 81 and 82 of the Treaty of the EC. â€Å"The Competition Act 1998 prohibits anti-competitive agreements between businesses. You must not, for example: †¢ agree to fix prices or terms of trade, eg agreeing price rises with your competitors †¢ agree with your competitors to limit production in order to reduce competition †¢ Share out markets or customers with your competitors - eg agreeing with a competitor that you'll bid for one contract and they'll take another. The law mostly applies to contracts among businesses with an important presence in the marketplace. But even the smallest company requires avoiding anti-competitive contracts like price fixing. In addition to formal contracts, the law also relates to other looser types of cooperation among businesses. The â€Å"Competition Act† (Competition Act 1998) forbids the mistreatment of a dominant position in a marketplace. This can apply to companies that have an extremely big market share. It is also an illegal and illicit offence for persons fraudulently engaged in certain kinds of cartel behavior in the â€Å"Enterprise Act 2002† (Enterprise Act n.d.). Fundamental aim of Article 82, when examining exclusionary conduct is the defense of competition on the marketplace as a way of enhancing wellbeing of the customer and of guaranteeing a well-organized distribution of resources. â€Å"Adopting an economics-based approach to Article 82 will also unify and provide a clearer and more consistent enforcement approach of the Treaty provisions on competition law† (The Reform of Article 82: Recommendations on Key Policy Objectives 2005, p. 4). The concern is to stop exclusionary behavior of the dominant organizations which is expected to limit the remaining competitive constrictions on the dominant organizations, consisting of entry of beginner, so as to avoid that customers are harmed. This denotes that it is competition and not merely competitors as such, that is to be confined and protected. In addition, â€Å"the purpose of the Article 82 is not to be protect competitors from dominant firms genuine competitions based on factors such as higher quality, novel products, opportune innovation or otherwise better performance but to ensure that these competitors are also able to expand in or enter the market and compete therein on the merits, without facing competition conditions which are distorted or impaired by dominant firm† (Jones & Sufrin 2008, p. 327). And also, Anti-competitive activities are injurious not only to customers but also to compan ies that contend moderately or which are themselves consumers of certain goods or services. So that in order to assess this statement, we require to be considered not only the short term harm but also both long and medium harm that may arise from the exclusion of competitors. Failure to obey with UK or EU competition law can have extremely grave consequences. â€Å"

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Computer Professional Ethics Journals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Computer Professional Ethics Journals - Essay Example In this digital age of technology, computer scientists are having difficulty in implementing and controlling the access of information, particularly in various web sites. This is also the case for computer software/programs that are often being pirated (or distributed illegally) across the globe. At some instances, such programs are being illegally adulterated to look as the same as that of the original, thus this can easily apply for intellectual property rights (this scenario had been the case of Microsoft as the Internet Explorer was patterned after Netscape’s technology). With such privacy laws and principles, third-party users and computer scientists will be able to safeguard their rights against â€Å"pirates† who would do anything just to get hold of such technology and exploit it for their own consumption. Furthermore, such laws are essential in safeguarding computer programs or other related information that are critical, not only to the overall welfare of the computer scientist, but as well as to the welfare of the digital

Monday, July 22, 2019

Handling Interpersonal Conflicts Essay Example for Free

Handling Interpersonal Conflicts Essay Have you ever been involved in an interpersonal conflict that was not necessarily handled in the most effective manner? During that occurrence did you notice that you and the other individual seemed to be on different pages after the fact? Being able to handle an interpersonal conflict in the most effective manner could potentially keep you and your significant others relationship close as opposed to tearing it apart. In the movie â€Å"Hitch†, Will Smith states, â€Å"Sixty percent of all human communication is nonverbal body language; thirty percent is your tone, so that means ninety percent of what youre saying isnt coming out of your mouth† (Lassiter, 2005). With this being stated, body language, tone, and verbal language are all things that must be particularly paid close attention too and effectively utilized, whether you are the speaker or the listener. While watching the movie â€Å"Hitch†, there were a few interpersonal conflicts that were not handled effectively. One specific conflict that was not handled effectively was when Sarah found out about Hitch’s career as a â€Å"Professional Love Doctor†. This conflict was not handled effectively for a multitude of reasons. Previously Hitch and Sarah were really â€Å"falling† for each other, being sincere, genuine, and in the â€Å"honey moon† stage. After the conflict was initiated, Sarah’s body language started to change. She began to deny Hitch’s kisses by turning away, she ruined the romantic wine moment by tipping the bottle up as opposed to drinking out of the wine glass that Hitch had already prepared for her, Sarah began to snarl, both Hitch and Sarah began to become aggressive in their actions by throwing food at each other out of anger, and Hitch insulted Sarah by telling her that she had a crappy newspaper. All of these actions are considered to be ineffective ones. While trying to choose a more effective route of handling this conflict so that the relationship remains close, one must show ositive body language, positive tone, positive verbal language, as well as a few other effective solutions. Solutions such as empathizing with one another by putting themselves in each other’s shoes, evaluating the message by waiting for the speaker to finish speaking before evaluating the message, not becoming emotional at the speaker, and showing more self-disclosure at the beginning of their relationship so that each other could grasp more of an understanding of each other’s background and career. Sole states, â€Å"While emotions are normal and are to be expected in conversation, especially when information of a personal or sensitive nature is being shared, it is helpful to hear the speaker out and to try to control these emotions until the remarks are finished† (Sole, 2011). If both Sarah and Hitch had done this, their argument most likely would have been invisible. They may have understood where each one was coming from and actually taken the time to hear what each other were trying to get across. Doing all of these things could help eliminate the interpersonal conflict that both Hitch and Sarah encountered. All in all, interpersonal conflicts have the opportunity to happen on a daily basis; however, being able to handle them in the most effective manner could potentially keep you and your significant others relationship close instead of tearing it apart. Remember, whether you are the speaker or the listener, you must always try to pay close attention to body language, tone, and verbal language as well. Being able to come together as one, empathizing with one another, evaluating the message, not becoming emotional and showing more self-disclosure with one another are some key concepts to eliminating potential interpersonal conflict amongst you and your significant other.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

My Dream Job A Business Manager Cultural Studies Essay

My Dream Job A Business Manager Cultural Studies Essay Personal qualities are the one of the key elements of employability .They are actually the real aspect of humans character. They are important for an employee to fulfill the requirements of the superior and the company.Especially in the communication of business.It is good for one to know his/her personal qualities so that one will know his own strength and weaknesses.A person with a huge range of personal qualities will be able to cope with people in the organization and become more successful in his career.In the development of a company,it will need bunch of people with good personal qualities to work together to create a perfect environment where everyone works happily.Different jobs will require different personal qualities because they have the different job scopes.Employees will select the new employees based on the personal qualities.So,personal qualities can also be defined as one of the qualification for the jobs that we apply for. My dream job- A business manager My dream job is to become a business manager.To fulfil the requirements of my dream job,I will need a lot of effort,hard work and also the personal qualities to make myself qualify for the job.As stated in The practice of management (Drucker, Peter F.),2004,p3,the manager is defined as the dynamic,life-giving element in every business.Without its leadership the resources of production remain resources and never become production.The role of a business manager is actually to observe and oversee the activities of the workers and make sure the operation runs smoothly to increase the productivity and the effectiveness of the workers.The business manager job is very challenging that it needs plenty of important personal qualities to help the company to improve the production. Personal Qualities for a Business Manager Be courageous A Business Manager will have to be courageous to take calculated risks,believe in what he is doing stick in his guns.He should be brave to take up challenges and always be ready to accept new challenges so that problems can be solved as fast as possible and become an inspirational leader to the team.Besides that,I can learn how to cope with stress and new duties to be completed.I need to make my sub-ordinates to have a people that is dependable. Effective Communication Business Manager need to employ effective verbal and non verbal communication.He should use clear and concise communication with everyone.It should be preferably be devoid of jargon and complex terminology.How well a manager passes on information and instructions for easy understanding of others is of paramount importance for his success.I will need to receive the messages from the superior and precisely transfer them to my colleagues.I will also need to understand the feedbacks from the sub-ordinates and try to figure out all of them. Self-motivation Self motivation is very important for a business manager in both internally and externally so he will be able motivate all his/her sub-coordinates as well.On the other hand,it is also important for the personal growth where this will also increase the productivity and overall efficiency of a team of people.Business manager has to solve many problems that occur to the people that he manages.A business manager will always think how to archieve the companys goal.I will try to motivate myself and try to solve all the problems before going to my superior. Leadership skills 3.4.1 A business manager must know how to lead all his team members effectively,so that he can always guide all his sub-ordinates since the he plays a very important role in a organization.He will need to encourage all the employees in the organization to be more productive at the workplace.He has to show confidence to the team members so that they will have the trust on the leader and this is the way to communicate with the employees to understand and solve the problems that they face.This will definitely increase the productivity and efficiency of work. 3.5 Decisive 3.5.1 I need to make a decision precisely in a short time.I will also need to become a good decision maker.As a business manager there are many things that I will need to handle and make decision for the issues of the employees of the company and also in my life.I need to lead all my team members to the right direction so that it will build trust between me and the team members to work more effective and strengthen the bond between me and my colleagues.All the decisions I make must be fair and I will need to use the problem solving skills to solve some of the issues and brainstorm for more solutions before making any decision. 3.6 Responsible 3.6.1 I have pay responsible in the growth and the development of my company.I have to organize all my team members according to their abilities and make sure that they do their part.In order to archieve the companys goals,I will need to make sure the operations of the company run smoothly and try to improve the interest of my colleagues in their work.I will have to get my duties done before the deadlines.Besides that a business manager will also have to build a positive and comfortable environment so that the employees of the company work happily and this will definitely improve the productivity. 3.7 Be punctual 3.7.1 As the business manager,I need to be punctual in meetings and to work not only to show the good behaviors to the colleagues but also to help in my personal growth and development in my life.A business manager need to manage his staffs,so he need to be punctual and reach the workplace before all his sub-ordinates reach.By being punctual,I can train myself to become a more productive person and increase the professionalism of myself. 3.8 Self-confidence 3.8.1 A business manager,I need to have self-confidence so that the sub-ordinates will listen and trust me and this will makes my job easier.I can easily get the co-operation from the employees.This can reduce conflicts and misunderstanding when all the staffs respect me as a manager when I have high confidence in myself to manage them with my experience and skills.Things will definitely go smoother when I have self confidence. 4.0 Conclusion All things considered,a successful business manager will need to have all the personal qualities .If a business manager is lack of leadership skills,time management skills and also confidence,he will not be able to take up the position.Employers will look for people who can increase the productivity and effectiveness in a team to work for them so that they can archieve their goals effectively in a short time.Personal qualities influence most of the things in a position.Without the personal qualities,a business manager will not be able to manage the team well.Thus,a person will have to qualify with all the personal qualities before going to a job interview.It is very important to understand the personal qualities of himself for personal development. Questions that I have asked What is one personal quality that you think you are different from other business manager? How you manage to convince your sub-ordinates to listen to what you say? Describe how you helped your sub-ordinates to solve a problem.What did you do? What is the procedure when you deal with problems with the attitude of the workers? Did you ever come late to work? Describe about a goal that you set for yourself in your work? Are you able to take up new challenges? Describe the processes of a major project that you handled in your company? The person that I have interviewed Name : Tham Fook Ming Position : Business Manager Company : Daisan Enterprise Relationship : Uncle Name : Yip Weng Long Position : Business Manager Company : Yokohama Batteries Sdn.Bhd Relationship : Uncle Name : Teoh Meng Kwan Position : Manager Company : Hup Heng Motors Sdn Bhd Relationship : Cousin Definition of conflict A conflict can be both good and bad. According to the book The business communication handbook. 6th ed. Julie Catalano, p.240.(2003) by Judith D, a conflict occurs whenever two people,teams or groups have different wants or goals and one party interferes with the others attempts to satisfy these.Differences in the way people interpret facts,differences in values, and the various ways people take action to satisfy their wants and needs can all cause conflict. The conflict happened to myself The conflict I have been involved is a relationship conflict happened to me and my girlfriend. We argued because of that she refuse to look for a job after her SPM examinations. She prefers to stay at home rather than going to look for a short term job so that she can learn something new to get some experience. The primary sources of my conflict 3.1 Bad attitude of her The primary source for my conflict is that her bad attitude that makes her to have this conflict with me. She is so stubborn that she will never listen or even analyze what other people advice her to do. I have been advising her for nearly two months so that she will get a part time job to spend her time. Every time we quarrel about this quarrel and ended up nothing. She complains that she feel boring when she stays at home but she refuse to get a job and she doesnt know how to use and manage her time wisely. She always says that she wants to enjoy first before taking any courses. When I give advice to her, she will keep on telling me that her parents didnt say anything when she just stay at home without doing anything and not going out to work. 3.2 Lack of understanding between each other We dont really understand each other although we have been together for a couple of months. Maybe I dont understand her deep enough and also how she thinks and reacts. Sometimes we might be confused of what the partner thinks and wants. This also related to our communication problem where sometimes what she hears is different from my original intention. This will also lead to the misunderstanding in this relationship. We have problems in communicating because she supports only her own opinion and not the advice by the people who have more experience. She will never try to understand my feelings although I do always share my thoughts and feelings with her. She always agrees with her own opinion. 3.3 Different Perspectives and background What she thinks is totally different with me since we have a different background as I come from poor family and while she is from wealthy family. In some situations we might see things in a different way. Her parents spoiled her by giving everything she wants because they have only one daughter and one son so, she loves to blame. Before she do something that will destroy our relationship, she will never think about the effects to me and she is just being selfish and do what she thinks will make her happy. Most of our ideas are different maybe because of that she is still young and has limited ability to think in more perspectives. She will follow her friends idea when too many friends suggest the same thing. Feedbacks from the other party She agreed with the primary sources stated above as she understands her own attitude and behavior. She did complain that we have communication problem as we often argue for a small matter. Every time after we argue, we found that we still cant solve the issue. Although she doesnt like my advice but then sometimes she realize that she is wrong. Secondary sources of the conflict Peer influence As she is still a teenager, she can easily be influenced by her friends where her friends have the same background as her. She will do what her friends say because she thinks that what they say is right. They always ask her to hang out in the middle of the night. She will still hang out with her friend without me. Although I told her that this could be dangerous, she never try to listen to me. Different Expectations The life she wants now is to enjoy every day without doing a single thing while what I want is to concentrate on my studies as I need to have some better achievements to show her parents that I can work something out. What she expects is to have a life as a rich girl and I just cant afford to spend her all those expensive stuff. I always tell her that I am not a rich guy and I cant give you most of the things you want now, she will tell me that she wont bother about that and after a few days she told me that she is a very materialistic person and I can see it. What she wants are all high expectations items which I dont think I can give her. Raising Problems She always complains that I dont want to spend some time with her. In fact I was so busy with assignments and projects and how could I spend my time with her when there are so many assignments to be done in just a few days. I happened to be in a scenario where I promised to hang out with her and suddenly something happened in my family and I tell her that I couldnt make it, she didnt even bother about me and scolded me that I broke my promise. She just mad at me and she stopped talking to me for a few days. She will never try to understand the problem and think positively before making any decisions. Approaching the conflict At the end, I know that both of us will need to approach the conflict no matter what. I asked her out and we talk about what both of us want and need. With the positive thinking we both listen to each other and accept the fact that actually both of us have mistakes in the conflict as this relationship involve of not only one person but both must pay responsible when problem arises. We sat down and started to accept the ideas by each other and analyze the problem with multiple solutions and choose the best solution for our conflict. She decided to listen to my advice and slowly change some of her bad attitude. After choosing the right solution and finally the conflict is solved. Importance of a brand name A brand is the identity and the image of the company that will help in attracting customers and marketing strategy. A brand name is important for consumers to identify the product, services and its producer also a promise to the customers and also makes advertising easier. Smart branding allowed the company to clearly communicate a change in direction while continuing to build its reputation.Branding also gives reasons why consumers choose the brand over all the other competitors.Consumers will always remember the name for a particular product or services.For example,when consumers think of carbonated drinks the first thing they that will come across is Pepsi and Coke.A better name can convince consumers purchase and decision making.The objective of a business can also be easily clarified by the brand name.When a brand is easy to be remembered it can be spread easily by a consumer to another consumer.A brand name can affect the sales performance of a company if the name is not suitab le for the product or services that a particular company provides. The Proposal Proposal on Changing of the Product Name To : Mr. Jason Dalz ( President ) Mr. Michael John ( Managing Director ) Mr. Justin Bryan ( Chief Executive Officer ) Date : 25th March 2013 Subject : Proposal on Changing our Cereals Product Name Regarding the subject above, as a product manager I would like to change the name of the cereal. I believe that this will give consumers a brand new image and also will attract more customers where this will increase the sales of our products. Statement of the Problem For the past 3 years, the cereal sales of our company is decreasing.Therefore,an official meeting was held on the 13th of March with the sales team to identify the problem and we found that the actual profit do not meet the minimum profit estimation. Sales for the Prohealth cereal for the year 2011-2012 Year Earnings ( Thousands) 2010 $450 2011 $400 2012 $ 320 The sales performance for the cereal brand named ProHealth Analysis of the Problem We did a research to identify the main problem where we have distributed survey forms to investigate the main cause of the problem.As a result, we found that the main cause of the sales drop is because of the brand name of our cereal product.The feedback from the customers shows that the brand name Prohealth actually sounds more like health products than cereal to a large amount of customers and because of that they seldom pay attention to our products.In addition to that, they also think that the packaging of our products is not attractive as the picture on the box showed a women with a bowl of milk.In fact, it does not look like a cereal product. From the customers feedback, some of the customers recommended us to rebrand the product with a new name and a brand new packaging as the t packaging for Prohealth can only attract customers mainly aged between 60-69 we will need to attract younger consumers to consume our products.The name Prohealth can never attract attention and it will never satisfy customers expectations. The packaging for the two products: The Packaging for ProHealth The Packaging for Cerealize Questionnaire What attributes are seen from this Prohealth cereal? Will you buy a product named Prohealth? Does the packaging looks attractive to you? If NO please state why? How satisfied are you with the usage experience of ProHealth products? Overall , are you satisfied with Prohealth Is there any aspect that you think Prohealth needs improvement? Do you think the name Prohealth is suitable for this cereal product ? If NO please state why ? Please give suggestion on the name that is suitable. The market research report is as follows: Market Research on preference of the two new brand names (000) Age 10-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70+ Brand Name ProHealth 8 4 5 3 7 15 5 Cerealize 12 9 11 6 4 19 7 (Preference of consumers to the two brand names) Survey Form Name : Age : Which one do you think is the best name for our cereal product? Please tick and state why you dislike the other name. ProHealth Cerealize Reasons why you dislike the other ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Solutions From the market research, we found that a new name for the cereal product will definitely show a brand new image to our customers. Customers would always expect the appearance of something new that they can have. From the research, some customers gave feedback on the name of our cereal product and some suggestions on the new name are given. A brand name is important attract customers and to affect the decision making of the consumers. The new name Cerealize is given by one of the customers after careful consideration that we pick from the list of selection of the new name.After a discussion with the marketing department, we found out a name that is suitable to become the new brand name of our cereal products which is the Cerealize where customers will have a clearer picture of what our products are about and what we produce. Once they see the word cereal, they will have an idea on their mind stating that this is a type of cereal product and the word lize brings a meaning specialize w here to show the consumers that our company is specialized in producing healthy cereals to the consumers. As the brand name is simple, consumers can easily recommend it to their friends. On the other hand, the packaging also should be changed as the illustration is not attractive. If they put a picture of some superheroes or cartoons on the box, this will attract kids to pay attention on our products and definitely they will convince their parents to buy it.This will help in widen the range consumers that we target. Hence, the sales of our cereal products will increase as the number of consumers increase. Conclusion In retrospect, the new name and a new packaging will definitely increase the sales of our products. It gives customers a new impression of our products and this name is suggested by one of the consumers. Besides that, it can also widen the range of consumers who consume our products. We can show a good image to the customers where we consider all the suggestion and feedbacks from the customers. Hence, this will build more credibility and the trust between the consumers and our company. After changing the name from ProHealth to Cerealize and the packaging of our products, I believe that our products will be more special than other cereal brands. I hope that you will consider adopting this idea of changing the name on the brand of cereal as this is the way to keep the good reputation of our company and to increase the sales performance of our company. Prepared by, ____YONG____ ( Yong Jun Keat) Product Manager

Impact Of Internet Advertising On Television Advertising

Impact Of Internet Advertising On Television Advertising Various techniques and methods have been used by advertisers to convey the message their product is meant for and to create a brand image. This paper basically deals with the evolution of advertising, the typesof advertising and concentrating on the two most important types i.e. television and internet advertising. A comparison has been done of the two major types of advertising and the impact of internet advertising on television advertising is shown. EVOLUTION OF ADVERTISING: Earlier the capitalists ruled the market and early advertising was done by simple announcement of goods or services available in the traditional placard style. The government stepped in to counterweight the monopoly created by capitalism, but nature despises a vacuum and eventually the competing force came along. Once they realised that they were dependent on a single economy, the adversarial entities also got into the advertising game in order to attract business by this means rather than debasing the market, consumers and each other. The mass production of posters and circulars was initiated after the invention of Gutenbergs printing press in 1450. The first advertisment was a handbill, printed in Englishand introduced in 1472. The main purpose of this handbill was to propagate about the sale of a prayer book.This followed by the first newspaper ad, offering a prize money for finding 12 stolen horses, 200 years later.Classified ads started appearing frequently in Englands newsletter by the 17th century.These ads just consisted of the description of the product and their price whereas color and illustrations were introduced in the late 19th century. The commision system i.e. giving a discount of 25% on the ad space in newspapers, was introduced by the first advertising agency which was set up in 1841 by Volney Palmer in Boston. The concept of space selling initiated from here. The first full-service advertising agency was N.W.Ayer Son, established in 1869. Pears Soap launched one of the initial highly successful advertising campaigns. Thomas Barratt, Father of modern advertising, introduced a series of advertisements that featured children, nature and beautiful women, in order to promote the companys product. The influential inventions that have helped to shape media and in turn advertising are: Printing press: Broadcast of information done in the form of words through different newspapers and magazines. Radio: With the invention of radio, for the first time, advertising was heard and not just seen. The sales of products advertised on radio increased since every home in America was in a possession of a radio. The advertisers started promoting their products with the advent of jingles. Television: The invention changed everything. Invented in 1920s, television became popular in 1950s after the decrease in price. With this invention print and radio had to take a backseat as for the first time a commercial message was broadcasted with sight, sound as well as motion. Internet: The invention of internet technology has made the jobs of the advertisers quite easier and more effective as it is a very powerful and fast growing communication medium that provides the consumer with easy and quick access to information and knowledge. WHAT IS ADVERTISING? Advertising can be explained as the promotion of ideas, goods or services which results in the promotion of companies. The demand of the product can be increased by promoting about the product through advertising. Some find advertising to be an unnecessary assault on their senses-typified by either a billboard distorting a beautiful landscape or a loud-mouthed boor hard selling something they dont need. Others find it an unnecessary economic burden-the one that inflates the price of everything that is being bought. But advertising actually tends to take many forms apart from the various definitions given to it. It includes communication that evidently attempts to facilitate a transaction, reaction or action. Social interactions do not necessarily have the variant of advertising in it but industrial democratic societies revolve around it. Word of mouth is not an appropriate way to sell mass produced products-they must be delivered to distant consumers who have knowledge about them. Similarly an industrialized democratic society cannot operate/survive without competition or the ability of varied competitors to offer alternatives. Mass production, then, is nothing but freedom of speech, long distance. Advertising can be seen as a promoting strategy for a companys products in order to drive sales and services but also to create a brand identity and to communicate changes to the new product/service to the customers. Advertising has become an integral part of the corporate world and hence companies invest a considerable amount of revenue on it as their advertising budget. The various reasons for advertising are: There are various reasons and media which can be used for advertising. On this basis there are several branches of advertising. Print Advertising Newspapers, Brochures ,Magazines, Fliers It is one of the most popular and common means of advertising. The advertising space is sold according to the position of the advertisement, the area occupied by the advertisement and the readership of the publications. Print media also offers promotional brochures and fliers for advertising purposes. Example: Outdoor Advertising Billboards, Tradeshows and Events, Kiosks. It also a very popular medium for advertising attracting the outdoor customers through the use of billboards, kiosks and various events and tradeshows organized by the company. Example: Broadcast advertising -Radio, Television and the Internet Television, radio and the internet make this medium of advertising very popular amongst the various types of customers. The popularity of television advertisements was seen to grow right after the moment they were introduced. The total cost depends on time of broadcast, the span of the advertisement and the popularity of the television channel on which it is to be broadcasted. Example: Vodafone Essar initiated the Zoozoo campaign and won three awards including two gold and one silver at the AME awards ceremony held in Shanghai. The radio has been decreasing in popularity ever since television and internet advertising have been introduced, but still certain small-scale advertisers prefer them. Covert Advertising Advertising in Movies This is a special type of advertising in which a brand or product is integrated in some entertainment channels like television shows, movies or sports. There is no commercial specifying about the product or brand in the entertainment but it is evidently or subtly showcased in the entertainment show. Examples of covert advertising are: The American Idol judges: Paula, Randy and Simon all sitting at their large desk and drinking out of a large cup that says Coca-Cola. BMW, Ford and Ashton Martin cars were featured in the recent James Bond movie Casino Royale. Surrogate Advertising Advertising Indirectly It is prominently used in scenarios where advertising a particular product has been banned by the law. Products like alcohol and cigarettes are prohibited any kind of advertisement in several countries due to the injurious effect of these products on the health of people. These products have to innovatively come up with many other products that might have the same brand name and which will indirectly remind people of the cigarettes or alcohol of the same brand. Example: Kingfisher and Fosters are beer brands that use surrogate advertising to advertise their products. Public Service Advertising Advertising for Social Causes It is a technique that uses advertising to convey and promote social messages and issues like global warming, AIDS, poverty, illiteracy, energy conservation, etc. David Oglivy, one of the founders of marketing and advertising concepts, encouraged the use of advertising for a social cause. He once quoted: Advertising justifies its existence when used in the public interest it is much too powerful a tool to use solely for commercial purposes. Example: Celebrity Advertising: The modern day consumer is gradually getting immune to the claims made in various advertisements but there is still a section of advertisers that depend on the celebrities and the popularity that they bring along with them. Celebrity advertising involves signing up celebrities for various ad campaigns which includes television ads and print ads. Example: TELEVISION ADVERTISING HISTORY: Broadcasting developed with companies selling radios but gradually the companies realised that many households listened to radios for a significant amount of time everyday. These companies started a way to explore this medium as a way to convey their message across to the masses. Radio broadcasting began with radio program broadcast by station WEAF in the New York City on August 28, 1922. It was a 10 minute advertisement for the suburban apartment housing. By the late 20s radio advertising had advanced dramatically and was dominating the advertising world. The utilised the creative component to sell one product or another. This paved way for genesis of television advertising that was predicted to begin in a few more decades. It took United States a long time to recover from the Depression and the World War II which resulted in the gradual hold of the full time telecating until 1948. As television was totally a new phenomenon i.e. the one offering sound and moving pictures, the advertising sector moved very vigilantly into this domain as they were not sure what method would work best to promote their rpoducts on television to their customers. After doing extensive research through study and surveys, the advertising agencies concluded that the most effective way, at that moment, to reach their consumers was by creating shows that featured a single product or a line of products from a single company. This concept gave rise to television shows of the 1950s like Colgate Comedy Hour, Kraft Television Theater and Coke time. As the television gained popularity with more and more people watching it, the television networks raised the cost of doing business and this led to the increase of the cost incurred for telecasting a product on television forcing a massive change between the relationship of advertising agencies, the sponsors/clients and television networks. Sylvester Pat Weaver, NBC executive, introduced the magazine concept according to which the sponsors would purchase blocks of time in a show instead of sponsoring an entire show. This idea was resisted by Masison Avenue but after experimentation it was seen that this was an effective method in case of various packaged-goods companies manufacturing an abundance of brand names like Procter and Gamble with products like Jif (peanut butter), Tide (detergent) and Crest (toothpaste). The magazine concept dominated the television advertising by 1960 and from thereon. In order to reach maximum number of consumers, sponsors spread their messages across the schedule of various television shows. The evolution of the magazine concept marked the birth of most modern television advertising. CATEGORIES OF TELEVISION ADVERTISING: PROS AND CONS OF TELEVISION ADVERTISING: PROS: CONS: A lot of people can be reached on an international, national as well as regional level in a short period of time. Viewers may not view the commercial if it is not interesting. Different segments of people can be targeted with ease through one medium at the same time. The exposure is limited due to a specified amout of airtime and ad clutter and amount of information communicated is less. Helps to convey the message across with the help of sight, sound and motion and reach different targeted audiences easily. In order for the consumer to retain the advertisement and act, the exposure should not be restricted to a few numbers. The advertisement needs to reach the viewer minimum 5-7 times or else it will result in nothing but a waste of money. People are not loyal to one channel. Availability of various channels due to cable leads to various choices and so it becomes difficult for an advertiser to know the exact viewership for a particular program in order to reach maximum number of people. It is not necessary that a viewer may indulge in watching commercials during a break. Infact he may end up doing lot of other things like going to the bathroom, getting a snack or having a conversation with someone The relative cost of commercials is higher since it is dominant in the area of influence and the cost depends on creativity, airtime and production. INTERNET ADVERTISING: With the advancement and development in technology came the internet, which is considered to be the most efficient channel for communication. Internet was not considered as a serious option for advertising as the websites were expensive and was mainly funded by government and various academic institutions. But nowadays internet advertising has become one the most popular medium and the websites that did not support this did not survive. Internet advertising followed the commencement of the World Wide Web. The World Wide Web was introduced in 1991 by CERN located in Switzerland. It acted as an easily accessible medium for various companies to market their products. Online advertising experienced a rapid boom and by 2001, top companies like Yahoo!, Microsoft, American Online and Amazon managed to attain a viewership of around 125-442 million viewers. Originally advertisers had to pay to advertise on the internet, mostly in the manner of a banner at the top of a webpage.But nowadays they have to pay depending on the number of clicks their ad receives. The initial web ads were banners which were nothing but horizontal adverts located across the top of the webpage. But with the rapid evolution of the internet, the concept of banners also progressed. Now the information of the advertiser could be obtained just by scrolling the mouse over the banner. Some banners even contain short videos that show the product in action. The advertisers and webmasters found new ways of placing the ads on the internet apart from banners. The ads could now be included within the content of the page, vertical banners and small buttons. Vertical banners became very famous with the advertisers as the viewer can see the ad while scrolling down a long page. Earlier all these advertisements were encoded by the webmaster and then added to the webpage but nowadays there are third party organisations who do the job of putting the ads into the webpage. Internet advertising has become a necessity for all kinds of organizations, big or small, and it is a rare situation to not find a marketing department of a large firm that does not include an e-Advertising group. Although it is the most feasible way to advertise, still internet advertising accounts for just 2% of all the advertising spending in the economy today.This is mostly because of ths fact that internet advertisements are much cheaper than the television, radio or print advertisements. TYPES OF INTERNET ADVERTISING: BANNER ADS: Their main purpose is to do branding so that the consumer can recall it later and the other one is to ensure direct sales by either just clicking on the banner or calling the number given in the banner or just visiting the sales location mentioned. Example: UNICAST ADS: These type of ads pop-up and demonstrate something similar to a miniature television commercial. If the consumer is interested in the ad and wants to learn more about the product, then he can do so by clicking on the ad. Example: SIDEBAR ADS: These are the ads that are placed vertically on the computer screen and are generally known as skyscraper ads. They are larger than the banner ads and are more effective then them since they cannot be scrolled off the screen and so the time for which the viewer is on a particular page; he has to bear the sidebar ad. Example: BLOGGING: Blog is a type of website that used to maintain various comment entries, description of events or products and different materials like videos and graphics. Example: POP-UP ADS: These are ads that pop-up in another window and are more revenue generating then the banner ads. Example: SEARCH ENGINE SUBMISSION: This is done by submitting your site to different search engines and works better with smaller search engines. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION: This strategy works by getting your website ranked amongst the top websites which makes it a point that someone is likely to visit your website. TEXT LINKS: These are links which the viewer can click to visit another site. Owners of two websites can agree to swap links meaning that both of them install a link on the other owners site. FLOATING ADS: These ads pop-up on the screen and then drift anywhere within a timespan of 5-30 seconds. Example: IMPACT OF INTERNET ADVERTISING ON TELEVISION ADVERTISING: The advertising industry has been dominated by the television industry for all these years until recently with the advent of internet which resulted in a social boom as the social networks provided viewers with online movies and video. A huge amount of time is spent by the viewers on the internet then watching television. Internet helps to satisfy particular interests of people more completely which television fails to do. The internet provides the viewers with more and a better choice which gives them immediate satisfaction by helping them concentrate on the subject they are looking for at that moment. The monopoly of television over its viewers is no longer prevalent and is gradually decreasing. The use of DVRs has also led viewers to switch from television to internet as the DVR owners are now skipping all the television commercials. Television ads are found to be long, troublesome and easily avoidable whereas there are certain types of internet advertising which cannot be avoided and it must be watched since it is brief and interesting. The marketers are now accomodating as much as 20% of their advertising budget to internet advertising as internet advertising is more interesting and affects the brand image in a completely different manner as compared to television advertising. Also, different viewers can view different advertisements on the same webpage while browsing through the internet whereas this option is not available with television advertising. Advertisers have realised that internet works as a direct communication medium with their customers and that providing them with useful information about their products, helps them build a customer database for their future use. The major characteristics of internet advertising that distinguishes it from television advertising are: CONCLUSION: In order to reap the benefits of information technology, Internet works as a stepping-stone. The future of internet advertising is very bright and advertisers should refocus their ideologies about advertising in relation to the use of internet and the policy pertaining to privatizing the internet service. The popularity of the internet can be seen by the usage in different regions depicted in the graph below: As it has been shown above that internet is gradually taking over the advertising market and destroying the monopoly of television advertising, we can easily say that internet advertising can turn out to be the new leader of advertising and entertainment in future.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Tragic Figures in Sophocles Antigone :: Antigone essays

Tragic Figures in Antigone      Ã‚   A good working definition of a tragic figure, in the Greek mythological sense, would be a person who, through a character flaw, is brought lower than that flaw would merit. The person with the flaw is usually royal, or at least noble. Greek tragedies were not written about common people.    Antigone may be a tragic figure in the modern, common sense of the word; that is, she was someone who has something bad happen to her. "Oh," someone might say when they discover Antigone's fate, "how tragic." Nevertheless, they do not mean that Antigone is tragic in the classical Greek sense; rather they just mean that Antigone got a bad lot that she didn't deserve. Antigone cannot be a tragic figure in the classical Greek sense because she didn't have any character faults. She was brought low for other reasons -- in this case, she died because she was obedient to the will of the gods. That isn't a fault, it's a virtue. Throughout the play she shows herself to be kind, generous, and giving. Again, those are hardly vices.    This leaves Creon as the only possible tragic figure in Antigone. And he does make an ideal tragic figure in the classical sense! His flaw that brings him low is a sense of narrow-minded pride. Although in some sense he may be justified in what he is doing through his claim that he is doing it for the good of the state, this does not completely excuse or ameliorate his actions in the eyes of the gods.    The fact that Creon persists in his actions despite the warnings of others (Tiresias, Antigone, Haemon, etc.) is part of what makes the tragedy so tragic -- he had chance after chance to back out. Antigone tries her best to persuade him, saying, "Surely, to think yours the only wisdom, / And yours the only word, the only will, / Betrays a shallow spirit, an empty heart," but Creon dismisses this because she is a woman. Haemon tries to tell his father that the people are not in agreement with him, but his father accuses him of being a weakling and arguing only to protect his fiancee. Finally, Tiresias the seer tries to warn Creon that what he is doing is not in accordance with the will of the gods, but Creon accuses him of lying for profit, saying, "Money! Money's the curse of man, none greater. The Tragic Figures in Sophocles' Antigone :: Antigone essays Tragic Figures in Antigone      Ã‚   A good working definition of a tragic figure, in the Greek mythological sense, would be a person who, through a character flaw, is brought lower than that flaw would merit. The person with the flaw is usually royal, or at least noble. Greek tragedies were not written about common people.    Antigone may be a tragic figure in the modern, common sense of the word; that is, she was someone who has something bad happen to her. "Oh," someone might say when they discover Antigone's fate, "how tragic." Nevertheless, they do not mean that Antigone is tragic in the classical Greek sense; rather they just mean that Antigone got a bad lot that she didn't deserve. Antigone cannot be a tragic figure in the classical Greek sense because she didn't have any character faults. She was brought low for other reasons -- in this case, she died because she was obedient to the will of the gods. That isn't a fault, it's a virtue. Throughout the play she shows herself to be kind, generous, and giving. Again, those are hardly vices.    This leaves Creon as the only possible tragic figure in Antigone. And he does make an ideal tragic figure in the classical sense! His flaw that brings him low is a sense of narrow-minded pride. Although in some sense he may be justified in what he is doing through his claim that he is doing it for the good of the state, this does not completely excuse or ameliorate his actions in the eyes of the gods.    The fact that Creon persists in his actions despite the warnings of others (Tiresias, Antigone, Haemon, etc.) is part of what makes the tragedy so tragic -- he had chance after chance to back out. Antigone tries her best to persuade him, saying, "Surely, to think yours the only wisdom, / And yours the only word, the only will, / Betrays a shallow spirit, an empty heart," but Creon dismisses this because she is a woman. Haemon tries to tell his father that the people are not in agreement with him, but his father accuses him of being a weakling and arguing only to protect his fiancee. Finally, Tiresias the seer tries to warn Creon that what he is doing is not in accordance with the will of the gods, but Creon accuses him of lying for profit, saying, "Money! Money's the curse of man, none greater.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Signs That You’ve Arrived :: essays papers

Signs That You’ve Arrived Oprah recently bought the most expensive house in California for $50 million. That barely put a dent in her pocket. How would you like to receive the respect and treatment of royalty? How about being given anything you desire, and more? Celebrity is the ultimate asset. In this frantic age of nanosecond attention spans, fame is fortune. Hollywood stars and athletes dominate the rankings of the richest, but celebrity enriches other individuals as well: successful CEO’s, chefs, models, authors, and even the newest arrival, the non-celebrity celebrity, courtesy of reality television. In a society where entertainment and the celebrity status fascinate us, it is no wonder why these people receive so much attention and define the word â€Å"famous†. A celebrity is an unique individual, set apart from the majority by an excess of sex appeal, or wealth, or talent, or impact. Many celebrities have more than one of these characteristics, but it is one of these traits that mo st identifies a person’s celebrity status. One of the most powerful characteristics a person can own is one’s sex appeal. In a society ruled by gratification, sex and the appeal one may offer fascinates and perplexes an audience. Britney Spears is the epitome of sex appeal, obvious through the celebrity status she has reached. This is her strongest attribute, winning out over talent, wealth, and positive impact. Her immense appeal receives more attention than her talent and is definitely exaggerated through her performances and her presentation. She knows she is sexy and uses it to the fullest extent in order to better herself and her celebrity status. This is the most superficial of the celebrity traits and is followed by wealth. Often times, in today’s society, wealth defines a person and their level of success. Take Bill Gates for example. As the richest man in the world, valued at over $52 billion, he is also labeled as one of the most successful. Mr. Gates is known world-wide for what is in his wallet, making him a celebrity, or as Webster defines it: famous. Gates has also had a huge impact on the advances in technology, but is more widely identified by his immense amount of â€Å"dough†. Gates has definitely reached celebrity status mainly by knowing how to rake in the dollars. Even though he is very intelligently talented, talent is not what made him a celebrity.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Autobiographical Essay Essay

As far back as I can remember no one in my family talked about heritage or when and how we came to America. When I would ask questions the only answers that I ever received were, we are Indian, and that was from my fathers side of the family. My mother’s side of the family however was a different story. I have been told that I am part German and I am going to give as much information that I have of both sides of my Mother and Fathers families. After talking to my mother and learning where my ancestors came from I have a better understanding of my own culture, beliefs and biases. To begin my story I will tell about my 2x grandfather on my Mothers side who according to â€Å"came to America from Germany he sailed from Bremen Germany to Galveston Texas on in 1853†. He met and married my 2x great grandmother in 1853 and together they had seven children of whom my great grandfather was one. My great grandfather moved to Arizona where he met and married my great grand mother and they had four Children of whom my grandfather was the youngest. My grandfather met and married my grandmother in 1929, and together they had eight children in which my mother is one of the three youngest. For my grandmother the only information that I have is that she was born in Alabama, and from everything that I have heard from my mother, aunt, and my uncles, my ancestors were hard working people who taught their children good morals and values. They loved all people regardless of their race, religion, or color. However they believed that races did not go outside of their race to marry and have children. They believed that god and family came first and they would help anyone who needed help. This leads me to my ancestors on my father’s side of my family the only information that I have been able to find is, that my grandfather was Native-American his mother, my great grandmother passed away when he was just a baby and family members had to take care of him. He met and married my grandmother and together they had twelve children in which my father is one of the oldest. While I do not have a lot of information about my father’s ancestor I do know that they were and are a very loving hard  working family that put God and family first. However they can be very closed minded when it comes to people of different race, gender, and culture. They can be very opinionated and while they will be nice to all people they are very cautious around people that are not family. I believe that ancestors past and present have help to shape the person that I ma today. I have learned to use my critical thinking to form my own beliefs and I am so proud to be living in America where I can make the right choses for me. I want to be able to give my future student the best education that I can and from what I have learned about my culture I know that I will be able to help my students make the right choses in getting to know all cultures and traditions before making the wrong decisions of treating others badly. References Descendants of Karl August Riefkohl, Retrieved 11-27-13 from,

When Ways of Life Collide: A Critical Analysis

When ways of Life Collide written by Paul Sniderman and Louk Hagendoorn is a carry which focuses on the collision of Western European determine and Muslim value. The bulk tackles relevant schooling on the relationships of cultures value (with focus on the Netherlands) its injustices and pitions towards another culture. Moreover, the book explores multiculturalism policies and the diverging collapse of values it causes between the Dutch volume and Muslim minority in the Netherlands.The book includes an introductory chapter, four personate chapters which ar based on a 1998 check into synopsis that consists of scholarly designed statistical examines and a concluding chapter. Muslims, the first of the body chapters, tackles the culture of Muslims and the Dutch bulk towards their preaching on women and children. The book was able to generate that the obvious rejection of a particular collection due to conflict over values might not be incessantly take nitty-gritty.In pa rticular, one of the authors elicit conclusion is that individuals support view the Muslims values in a negative date at the corresponding time creating a constructive attitude towards Muslims and in effect follow even their way of look and culture. Chapter three, Prejudice, is a mere discussion and analysis of injustice. some(prenominal) Sniderman and Hagendoorn view damage as a readiness to belittle minorities, to abhor them, to shun them (p. 47). What the authors have to measure prejudice atomic number 18 based on statistical survey.The survey was designed for the individuals to agree or disagree on the eight almost probable characterizations of minorities. The authors find that intolerance can eventually results to an open denial of the gibe rights of the immigrant minorities (Muslims). On chapter four, the authors use a decoupling experiment to basically improve the previous research. Both Sniderman and Hagendoorn believes that an observed threat to an individuals c ultural individualism shows a sturdy predictor of prejudice than a perceived economic threat.However, chapter 5 entit take Top-Down Politics illustrates that individuals who are committing negative attitudes and show prejudice to the minority immigrants are also on the same way the most probable to react positively towards the immigrants. The main argument of the book is that the Netherlands policy towards multiculturalism which was determined through consensus has led the central point on the policy-making argument that involves group identities immigrant minorities and Dutch majorities.The increase conflicts between the immigrant minorities and Dutch majorities are start out by the 9/11 attack, the compound to power of Pim Fortuyn and the Theo van Gogh collide with in 2004 by a Dutch Moroccan. The book is particularly significant to a variety of audience concerned on the prevailing attitudes shown by the Dutch majority towards immigrant minorities, immigration and multicultu ralism. This book is good in particularly using scholarly surveys and statistical studies in providing significant conclusions on the study.